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UCT Research Report '11
Africa Can, pp. 371-399. Washington DC: The World Bank.
ISBN 9780821387450.
Hamann, R., Kapelus, P. and O’Keefe, E. 2011. Mining
companies and governance in Africa. In J. Sagebien and
N.M. Lindsay (eds), Governance Ecosystems: CSR in the
Latin American Mining Sector, pp. 260-276. UK: Palgrave
Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-230-27764-9.
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
Adler, B.M., Baets, W.R. and Konig, R. 2011. A
complexity perspective on collaborative decision making
in organizations: The ecology of group-performance.
Information & Management, 48: 157-165.
April, K. 2011. Leader career success and locus of control
expectancy. Academy of Taiwan Business Management
Review, 7(3): 28-40.
Barr, G.D.I. and Dowie, K. 2011. Swivelling probabilities
- the winning hand at poker. American Statistician, 65(3):
Beeson, M., Soko, M. and Yong, W. 2011. The new resource
politics: can Australia and South Africa accommodate
China? International Affairs, 87(6): 1365-1384.
Biekpe, N. 2011. The competitiveness of commercial
banks in Ghana. African Development Review-Revue
Africaine de Developpement, 23(1): 75-87.
Burgess, S. 2011. Social axioms: a new culture measure
for South African business research. South African Journal
of Business Management, 42(3): 1-22.
Chibba, M. and Luiz, J.M. 2011. Poverty, inequality and
unemployment in South Africa: context, issues and the
way forward. Economic Papers [Australia], 30(3): 307-315.
Eberhard, A.A. and Gratwick, K. 2011. IPPs in sub-Saharan
Africa: determinants of success. Energy Policy, 39: 5541-5549.
Fay, J., Kapfudzaruwa, F., Na, L. and Matheson, S. 2012.
A comparative policy analysis of the clean development
mechanism in South Africa and China. Climate and
Development, 40(1): 40-53.
Hamann, R., Giamporcaro, S., Johnston, D. and
Yachkaschi, S. 2011. The role of business and cross-sector
collaboration in addressing the “wicked problem” of food
insecurity. Development Southern Africa, 28(4): 579-594.
Jere, M. and Davis, S.V. 2011. An application of uses and
gratifications theory to compare consumer motivations
for magazine and Internet usage among South African
women’s magazine readers. Southern African Business
Review, 15(1): 1-27.
Koelble, T.A. 2011. Ecology, economy and empowerment:
eco-tourism and the game lodge industry in South Africa.
Business and politics, 13(1): 1-22.
Koelble, T.A. and LiPuma, E. 2011. Traditional leaders and
the culture of governance in South Africa. Governance-An
International Journal of Policy and Administration, 24(1):
Lambert, A. and Luiz, J.M. 2011. Passenger service quality
expectations as perceived by long haul airline managers
in South Africa. African Journal of Business Management,
5(29): 11662-11675.
Lewis, D., Bell, S.D., Fay, J., Bothi, K.L., Gatere, L., Kabila,
M., Mukamba, M., Matokwani, E., Mushimbalume, M.,
Moraru, C., Lehmann, J., Lassoie, J., Wolfe, D., Lee, D.R.,
Buck, L. and Travis, A.J. 2011. Community Markets for
Conservation (COMACO) links biodiversity conservation
with sustainable improvements in livelihoods and food
production. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America, 108(34):
Luiz, J.M. and Fadal, R. 2011. An economic analysis of
sports performance in Africa. International Journal of
Social Economics, 38(10): 869-883.
Maas, G.J.P. and Herrington, M.D. 2011. The role of HEIs
in an entrepreneurial renaissance in South Africa. Industry
& Higher Education, 25(4): 225-232.
Malgas, I. and Eberhard, A.A. 2011. Hybrid power
markets in Africa: generation planning, procurement and
contracting challenges. Energy Policy, 39: 3191-3198.
McLachlan, M. and Hamann, R. 2011. Theme issue on
food security (editorial). Development Southern Africa,
28(4): 429-430.
Soko, M. and Lehmann, J.P. 2011. The state of development
in Africa: concepts, challenges and opportunities. Journal
of International Relations and Development, 14: 97-108.
Stodel, M. and Stewart-Smith, A.E. 2011. The influence of
burnout on skills retention of junior doctors at Red Cross
War Memorial Children’s Hospital: A case study. SAMJ
South African Medical Journal, 101(2): 115-118.
Wood, E.A.S., Khavul, S., Perez-Nordtvedt, L., Prakhya, S.,
Dabrowski, R.V. and Zheng, C. 2011. Strategic commitment
and timing of internationalization from emerging markets:
evidence from China, India, Mexico, and South Africa.
Journal of Small Business Management, 49(2): 252-282.